Eeeek eee weee! Eeee eee weee eeek! Weeeeeee!*

*Major Fluffy will be finding more Spacheadz in the western side of the United States of America this March.
This entry was posted on Thursday, February 24th, 2011 at 12:23 am and is filed under Eeek.. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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I live on the west coast and I’m a spacehead
I love it.
you live there and I’m a spaceheads!
wow,love it
i luv his cute little glasses 😀
fluffys in hollywood i like his cute little glasses to
i thought i heard an eek on my radio!
you rock eeeek
Nice can i come with you on thanksgiving break Major Fluffy???
😛 😀
I like the Spaceheadz spirit. Major Fluffy is amazing.